Official Fourthies!
The girls are now officially the leaders of the Lower School. They were presented with the signature yellow cap and signed the Fourthie pledge. Fun! I need to brag about the girls in Room M02 for just a minute. They earned 25 compliments by displaying our school values. It takes a group effort for everyone to be their best self. We voted on a celebration. The girls may bring a stuffed animal and slippers to class on Wednesday. We are going to relax with some corn of the popped variety and a show in the afternoon.
We finished up the geometry unit and started the next math unit. Unit Two focuses on place value, data, and large digit addition and subtraction. Look for your daughter's Unit One math test in her work folder next Friday. Our math tests will always include a listening station and a writing component. The writing gives the girls a chance to get creative with math concepts. Next Friday's Fact Check will assess the 2, 3,4 multiplication tables. There are many review games on our Fourthie site. Not everybody learns the same way, so I encouraged the girls to check out the multiplication stories on Mnemonics might be just the ticket for some girls. The girls completed their geometry/abstract art project. They are beautiful!
These Fourthies are navigating Google Classroom with complete independence. Google Classroom has eliminated much of my whole group explanations (which can be very time consuming). I've been posting short "how to" videos and this allows the girls to move ahead on projects and assignments at their pace. AND it frees me up to work individually with girls who need more guidance and to touch base with everyone during complex projects. Ask your daughter about her Animoto project. The finished product is going to be a multi-media book trailer. They are so excited to share their creativity with one another. I'll post the trailers next week.
Last week the girls chose a president to research. They spent some time note taking, using the links posted on history4fourthies. Next week they will explore the library databases to gather additional information. We used their current event summaries to calculate flying distances and to begin discussions about our world.
I just finished reading their Three Word Thursday writing and several had me laughing hysterically. What would you write using these three words? sand, tidy, kangaroo
The best thing about fourth grade really is the girls' enthusiasm for everything. They had 20 minutes and a piece of a blanket. Their challenge was to make a coaster for their "sweating" water bottle. You would have thought it was Christmas morning- that's how excited they were!
A few notes:
* Blessing of the Animals- 10/3 8:15 on the Green
* Parents Technology Night-Tuesday, October 4th Please sign up here so we are sure to have enough computers.
* Author CeCe Bell is visiting St. Catherine's on 10/6. A flyer went home with the girls. Here it is.
* Special Week Sign-up Peyton will have her Special Week next week!
* Homework is posted for the week for family planning:)
* Carpool Helper Calendar- Ibby will represent our class next week.
Girls- Your mystery question is........ what color are the 3WT words in this post? Add your answer here.